Assessing well-being with S.P.I.R.E.

Would you like to assess your wellbeing from a holistic perspective?  The SPIRE model’s 5 elements of well being may be a helpful approach for you!

SPIRE was developed by Dr Tal Ben- Shahar a writer and educator specialized in happiness studies, and Megan McDonough founder of the Wholebeing Institute. This model offers a 5-dimensional perspective on wellbeing.

5 Elements of Well Being

  1. Spiritual:  The spiritual component incorporates two principals. Connecting to a sense purpose and meaning and engaging and bringing awareness to the present in the moment with a sense of openness, curiosity, and kindness.
  2. Physical: How we relate and care for our bodies. This could include how we provide excise, nutrition, or rest to our bodies.
  3. Intellectual:  Feeling engaged withways to grow our minds through learning and curiosity.
  4. Relational: Interpersonal component of our life. Bringing and receiving qualities support and kindness to relationships with others and with self. 
  5. Emotional: Noticing and allowing the full range of human emotions and practicing and cultivating resilience, optimism, and gratitude.
SPIRE Check in

Your check in can begin by simply asking how you are doing in each facet of the SPIRE model. This check can help you track progress and explore action plans that can improve your sense of well-being. You may choose to journal your check ins; I have also provided a template in the resources below. 

Step 1: Rate your current experience

Check in with each of the SPIRE categorize rate them from 1-5 (1 ratings needing most improvement and 5 may represent feeling content in that specific area)

Step 2 Explore your ratings

What factors or behaviors contribute to the rating you gave to each category? Explore how the 5 perspectives interact in your life and influence you as a whole

Step 3 Define actionable steps

Once you gain perspective and insight from your ratings you can become more aware of what actions can increase your sense of wellbeing. You can notice what categorize in your life you feel are working well and others that perhaps need more attention.


  1. What did you learn from your check in?
  2. What area needed most attention and change?
  3. What facet do you feel most satisfied with?

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